Wednesday, July 23, 2008


SDCC 2008 starts today, and though I shall be missing said event for the purposes of monetary recruitment and work obligations, young PM Jeepers will be wandering the con floor with a steely gaze and a bottom pinching urge. There wont be much in terms of Labor Days news at this con. Phil should be on the Oni Press panel just reiterating the release date like we did last year and again at NYCC a few months ago. Are you guys just as anxious as I am to finally release this damn thing?! Sheesh! Just a few more months. Oni will have some cool new shwag at thier booth this weekend, including The Apocalipstix release by Guy Fawkes and Cameron Stewart and a crap load of new merch. Check'em out!

For now I leave you all with a bite from Labor Days: Chapter 4: Bosoms and Blues.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

THIRTY 6 panels

Rough pencils for the second to last page of Labor Days Volume 1: Butterscotch and Ballywogs.

Each script came in with its own numbered pages starting at one. So this is actually page 135 or so.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Costume lineup for ol' Bagswell. This sits right over my desk so I don't forget his lil' bandages or details. Plus its a reminder of how much I love him. There's one more costume for the fifth chapter, but A) It didn't fit on the 11x17 paper and 3) it's a drastic-ish change that maybe its "funner" in secret.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


Whenever I draw gun fire or explosions I start making the sound effects. I guess playing G.I.Joe never goes out of style.

I'm nearly done with art! One more chapter to ink and a few odds and ends and that puppy will be in the can! If all goes according to plan we'll see you Bagsicans at SPX.

Lacy out!