Monday, July 20, 2009

SDCC and Vol.2 Ch. 8 Page Preview

This Weds. I'll be off to San Diego for the monster of all shows; SD Comic Con. I didn't go last year, but am very excited to be attending the 40th anniversary of the convention this year. I'll be at the Oni Press booth most of the time seeing as this is Labor Days's first time in San Diego and I want to be on hand to help feed it to the masses. I'll be signing with my creative partner every day so you can't miss us! I'll have original art for sale and selling sketches for $20, as well as building a commissions list.

Signing at Oni:
Thursday: 11:30 - 12:50
Panelmonium: 3 - 4
Friday: 1 - 2:20
Saturday: 10 - 11:20
Sunday: 1 - 2:20

You can also catch Phil at the Oni Press's "Panelmonium" on Saturday. He'll be on hand to announce a new project of his as well as the release date for Labor Days Volume 2: Just Another Damn Day

I can also be found at the Dark Horse booth on Friday for Star Wars Day! I'll be signing copies of my latest star wars graphic novel, Han Solo and the Hollow Moon of Khorya with writer Jeremy Barlow and colorist Michael Atiyeh.

Signing at Dark Horse:
Friday: 11 - 12

I hope to see a lot of friends and new faces this weekend so if I haven't sought you out, then please stop by one of these scheduled signings so we can shoot the shit and flirt with the girls.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Post-It Panels

Just a mash up of a few panels drawn on post-its for Volume 2. I have tons of these lying around.